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MPCL is growing

It is our pleasure to announce that we are joined by Dr. Siow-Feng Chong (Yui), Alex’s long-term friend and collaborator.

Yui received a B. Biomed. Sc. (2005) and B.Sc.(Hons) degree (2006) from the Department of Chemistry, and then a Ph.D. from the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia 2011;

Yui will strengthen our lab as a postdoc.

Welcome !

We also welcome Benjamin Wohl as our new PhD student;

Ben received his BSc at the University of Twente, The Netherlands in supervision of Prof. Johan Engbersen in 2009 working on the reversible post-PEGylation of nucleic acid carriers. He continued his master studies in the Biomedical Chemistry group of Prof. Johan Engbersen on dynamic nanogels for oral protein delivery and received his MSc degree cum laude in 2011.

Bettina Jensen

defends her Master’s work entitled “Poly(vinyl alcohol) Physical Hydrogels for the Design of Intelligent Biointerfaces” with excellence !!!

MPCL now welcomes Bettina as a PhD student.