Our newest publication a communication on Self-Immolative Linkers Literally Bridge Disulfide Chemistry and the Realm of Thiol-Free Drugs has been published in Advanced Healthcare Materials.…
Congratulations to Mille B. L. Kryger who has defended her PhD thesis with the title Macromolecular Prodrugs for Safe and Hemocompatible Delivery of Ribavirin
Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber has awarded Alexander Zelikin the Danish Polymer Prize of 100.000 DKK Alexander Zelikin designated by the award committee as ”…
Our newest publication on Micro-structured, spontaneously eroding hydrogels accelerate endothelialization through presentation of conjugated growth factors has been published in Biomaterials. Growth factors represent highly…
Congratulations to Anton A. A. Smith who has defended his PhD thesis with the title Antiviral Polymer Therapeutics: Design and Development of Drug-Polymer Conjugates.
Congratulations to Benjamin Wohl who has defended his PhD thesis with the title Antiviral macromolecular prodrugs: In vitro investigation of structure-function correlation
Congratulations to Bettina E. B. Jensen who has defended her PhD thesis with the title Macromolecular Design of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Physical Hydrogels for Enhanced Opportunities…
Our publication on Disulfide reshuffling triggers the release of a thiol-free anti-HIV agent to make up fast-acting, potent macromolecular prodrugs has been featured on the…
Our newest publication on Macromolecular (pro)drugs with concurrent direct activity against the hepatitis C virus and inflammation has been published in Journal of Controlled Release…
Our newest publication on utilizing self-immolative linker chemistry to construct antiviral macromolecular prodrugs has been published in Chemical Communications.